The average interest rate for savings accounts is 0.06%.
National home prices just reported their highest one-year gain in history.
The U.S. stock market is up ~700% since March 2009.
When everything seems risky and overbought, what do retirement savers do? How do you earn a healthy 7-8% return over the next 10-20 years?
I break it all down in this week’s episode.
How to Listen to Today’s Episode:
Episode Links & Resources:
- 👉 Get Your One-Time Retirement Plan
- Pension Funds Pile on Risk Just to Get a Reasonable Return [WSJ]
- Rolling the Dice 7.5% Returns [Callan]
- Global Investor Study [Schroder’s]
- Historical Cape Ratios by Country [Barclays]
- Future Expected Return Projections